Dallas 24 Hour Club is home to The Hubcap Café, a full-service restaurant located inside our facility on Ross Avenue. Known among the community for its strong coffee and Hubcap-sized pancakes, The Hubcap Café is also famous for giving Residents of The 24 a second chance at employment and a career to build on with its Resident Kitchen Training Program.

Since its start, The Resident Kitchen Training Program has offered employment to Residents who would otherwise be unemployable so early in recovery. They are given the training, tools, and certifications needed to excel in the service industry with better than entry-level jobs. Sometimes these Residents have experience cooking, but more often than not, the interview question “Can you cook?” is quickly followed by “Do you want to learn?” If the answer is yes, the training begins.
The Hubcap Cafe offers a full menu available for purchase, but the most important meals from the kitchen are those served to the new residents who need them the most. All Phase 1 Residents in their first 30 days are provided breakfast, lunch, and dinner at no cost to them. This allows the Residents to focus on their recovery and getting healthy without worrying about where their next meal will come from. These meals are made from donations from the public and Community Partners like Trader Joe's. Using the ingredients provided, our Resident Staff does their best to create flavorful meals that not only fill stomachs but lift spirits.
“Working in the kitchen allowed me to be one of the first faces people saw. I met all the new residents, and it gave me an opportunity always to be serving, which was so important in early recovery. I had cooked for my family, but I had never cooked for a lot of people. It showed me how to manage my time and focus. We would serve the residents and cook meals for the public too.” – Robert O'Bannon, 24 Alum, former Kitchen Supervisor and current Tillman House Program Manager.
The Hubcap Cafe serves free community meals during holidays for Residents and members of the public. Over 150 people are served during these events, which continues to grow. They also prepare food for the Ross Avenue Group Birthday Night, an event that celebrates sobriety milestones.

Steak Night is another event produced by The Hubcap Staff along with Resident volunteers. Occurring the first Saturday of every month, Steak Night provides fun entertainment and important revenue for The Hubcap Cafe. On average, over 125 people are served. This helps our Residents practice prepping for large groups, customer service skills, and teamwork in a fast-paced setting.
“My job in The Hubcap Cafe gave me extra structure and taught me responsibility and work ethic. I learned how to multitask, focus on the next task, and memorize things. I was able to stay connected to the recovery community that came in. This program has been life-changing, and you will get out of it what you put into it.” Ricky S., Resident Kitchen Trainee
Stop by for a meal or join us for Steak Night. We would love to see you there!