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Meet Fred S., Tillman House Alum

Fred came to The 24 after years of isolation and fear and relapse after relapse. Today he knows that it's never too late to surrender.

How did you get started with Drugs and Alcohol?

It all started with alcohol around my junior year of high school. I had an active social life, was a good student, and I didn’t drink much because, at the time, it didn’t take much to get me drunk! Alcoholism and addiction run on both sides of my family and having had an abusive upbringing, I remember thinking, “I’ll never be like my dad”. I was accepted to Columbia and moved to New York City to study as a language major. I had high hopes for my future, but my discovery of liquor, marijuana, and cocaine turned me on to the ‘high life’. I ended up dropping out because drugs and alcohol became all-consuming. I moved to Dallas to be with my partner Charlie, but fought the idea of powerlessness and ended up in a state-run rehab facility. After nine months in SAFP, I was scheduled to be released. Charlie and I were excited to have a fresh start together, but he passed away from COVID just two weeks before I got out.

How did you end up at Dallas 24 Hour Club?

I managed to stay clean for years after Charlie’s passing, but isolation, resentment, and fear led me to run out of money, respect from others, and respect for myself. I had a mind that told me each time, before I picked up, that things would be different, so relapse seemed like the best escape. Even in relapse, though, I remember being inspired by a friend from the rooms who had made it to Phase 3 at The 24. He seemed free and I thought it might be possible for me to find that freedom, too. My sponsor took me to The 24 which is when all the bessings started falling into place for me. On May 5th, 2023, I celebrated one year sober.

What does Recovery mean to you?

Recovery means having the freedom to live life the way God intended. Recovery has gifted me the ability to pursue life. Now being in a position to help others find this freedom is better than any high in the world.

What is your greatest achievement?

Getting sober, no doubt, and being able to help the next person. Allowing God to work in my life by letting go feels like an achievement. Recovery has opened my ‘channel to God’, as I like to say.

What is your greatest blessing?

There have been so many blessings, I don’t know where to start! I think the greatest blessing, though, has been getting to experience God’s magic. If I humble myself enough to listen, then I always get answers and I’ve learned that I always get what I need.

Finish this sentence: If it weren’t for Dallas 24 Hour Club...

If it weren't for The 24, I’m not sure I’d be alive right now, but I know how miserable I’d be if I were alive and still in addiction. There’s a different way and The 24 helped me find it.

What is one thing you want people to know?

I'd like others to know that it's never too late to surrender and live free of addiction. It wasn’t too late for me and I’m so grateful.

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