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Recovery Job Training Program

Resident Staff Liaison employees who wish to work in the treatment industry receive Recovery training, licenses and experience.

The Recovery Job Training Program is designed for our Resident Staff Liaison employees who wish to work professionally in the treatment industry. (Resident Staff Liaisons are Residents who have earned the trust of the staff to live amongst their fellow Residents and offer Recovery support, encouragement and leadership. They "observe and report" to the staff with any concerns.) The Program provides Recovery training, certifications such as CPR, Narcan training, Non-Violent Intervention, etc. as well as hands-on experience so participants can embark on a career in the treatment industry. Each participant is assigned a mentor who comes alongside them and coaches them on how to work in the industry. To date, seven of our Resident Staff Liaison Alumni are successfully working in the treatment industry.

Recovery Job Training Program

"As Liaison I was given the self confidence needed in early recovery that instilled a feeling of self worth that I could share with others struggling to recover from drugs and alcohol. Living by example “A new design for living” was essential for others to see and follow. I saw in others what I wanted and as acting liaison I was given the opportunity to share my experience, strength and hope with other women in recovery so they in turn could also see and lead others to recovery. Loving and leading the women Residents at Dallas 24 Hour Club was the experience of a lifetime!"

– Melynn P., Alumni

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