At the start of 2022, the 24 Staff chose the word Gratitude to guide our decisions and actions throughout the year. Rather than a resolution, a word for the year allows us to be intentional with everything we do, including supporting the Residents and Newcomers.
Some of the Staff shared what they are currently grateful for in their lives. See their responses below.

Briar Carter Akins, Women's Coordinator
I am extremely grateful for my children and the fact that I was chosen to be their mother and care for them. I get to show up and be present today and have the ability to actively participate in their lives. I also receive that blessing from working at The 24, from staff members to residents. We are a family and get to actively participate in one another’s lives in miraculous ways!

Dawn LaQuay, Accounting and Administrative Assistant
I'm so grateful for the ability to live my life in sobriety as an ongoing living amends to my children, family, and to honor my deceased parents. Being a contributing member of society by paying my own bills, taxes and supporting myself. I am grateful for restored relationships with family members where I thought there was no hope for reconciliation.

Michelle Luna, Program Manager
I am grateful for all the support that I have had and continue to have all around me, every day. All this support, especially at the beginning of my sobriety has been the catalyst for my wanting to give support to other people, whether it be at work or in my personal life.

Robert O'Bannon, Tillman House Program Manager
Today I am truly grateful to be alive and sober. God has put me in a position where I can watch, and help others discover what I have…following a few simple instructions they too can recover!

Adrienne Santaularia, Communications Director
One of my favorite sayings is "The things you take for granted, someone else is praying for", so I try to always remember and be grateful for the little things in my life like my husband, our home, my work and work environment. All those things I prayed for years ago that I now have. Those are what I am grateful for.

Mikayla Spring, CEO/Development Coordinator
I am beyond grateful that I get to do such incredible work to help support our residents on their sober-living and healing journey, and to be able to put my energy and hard work back into our communities. I have been brought into a team of incredibly remarkable people who are supportive both in and out of the office, and this organization has my utmost gratitude for letting me be a part of it.